


1. Principle

Zoom2Choose is an educational aid to help pupils, trainees and learners with limited opportunities to choose a career.

Its aim will be to provide a large amount of information to career guidance professionals which will then help them work with the young people to focus on the various sectors available, see how they represent the different jobs and also to extend their outlook…

The aid will include a computer application for the young people and a teacher’s guide for professionals who use it.


2. The aid

On a computer application (single or in a network),  a series of 10 plates of 12 photos will be shown to the young people. They have to classify the photos in order of preference on each of the plates.

8 plates will present work situations and 2 plates will present activities out of context. The aim is to give the opportunity to highlight the activities that the young people are interested in although they might well have rejected the professional sectors of activity in which they occur.

Each photo will include:

-          The jobs

-          The job profiles

-          The activities involved

-          The working conditions


When the photos have been classified, a report will be printed that shows:

-          The 20 photos listed 1 and 2 on each plate

-          The 10 photos listed 12 on each plate

-          The key words from the 20 photos (listed 1and 2), the key words from the 10 photos (listed 12) with an indication of the number of times they were used and those key words found both in the photos listed 1 or 2 and those listed 12

Using the report, the career guidance professional will be able to focus his or her work on the chosen careers.



· Teachers’ Guide

· Download "Zoom2Choose"

· Paper version of "Zoom2Choose"

· Photo printing A4

 · Partnership

· Download the presentation leaflet

· Legal noticesLegal notices